Upstart Proximo making a splash with Three Olives


Impact – 11/15/2007

Only two US spirits marketers will begin 2008 with more than one current "IMPACT" Hot Brand." One, Diageo North America, the US spirits market's leading supplier, has five. The other-Proximo Spirits Inc-is a somewhat lesser-known quantity. In fact, just a few weeks ago, it didn't exist. In October, Proximo jumped into the market by acquiring Three Olives vodka from White Rock Distilleries. Effective January 1, 2008, the new Company will be adding 1800 Tequilas to its portfolio, forming a Hot Brand duo that gives it a quick start in the ultracompetitive US spirits business.

"Our focus is growth, and there are three ways I know how to grow: organically, new brand development and acquisitions," said Teasdale. "Certainly, there are plans for acquisitions in the future, but we have a lot of growing pains to go through now."

Michel Dyens